Miflow Login : Many people need a loan to start any kind of business, there are some people who need the help of a loan for a short time, so that they can start their business. At present, many companies are ready to give you loan. L&T Finance is one of those companies which gives loans in short term and long term across the country.
L&T Finance Company knows that in today’s time, people are preferring to work more on their own than on the internet, so the work of their customers should be done as soon as possible so that the customers feel better, so the company has launched Miflow Web App, so that you can use Miflow You can login or take your loan amount.
MiFlow web portal is in limelight at present, many people who have bad financial condition or want to take loan to start a business, then this portal can be for them. If you want to know complete information about Miflow, then this Stay tuned to the article till the end because here we will provide you with all the juicy details from Miflow L&T Finance.

What is Miflow Portal
MiFlow web portal is launched by L&T Finance which is a web app which is a portal of a microfinance collection repository which we know as MiFlow.
MiFlow web portal provides loans and monetary services to around 5 lakh Indian. The fundamental economic carrier utilized by L&T clients is brief-term finance additionally known as microfinance.
The full name of MiFlow is Microfinance Collection Repository Portal, which we also know as MERC Portal. L&T Finance provides different financial services.
इसे भी पढ़े – पैन कार्ड से लोन अप्लाई कैसे करें?
Miflow login page
If you have any problem in login on Miflow web page, then you can easily login Miflow by following the steps mentioned below.

Step-1. First of all, open Chrome browser in mobile and search on Google by typing ‘Miflow’.
Step-2. After this, many websites will appear in front of you, but you will have to open the ‘https://miflow.ltferp.com/mficollections/’ website at the top.
Step-3. Now you will see the Login page in which you have to fill your Login Details like- Login ID, Password.
Step-4. After that the option of Domain will appear which will be already felt, leave it as it is and click on the button of Log In.
Step-5. You will be successfully logged into the Miflow portal as soon as you click on the Log In button.
Miflow L&T Micro Finance
L&T Finance is providing small loan to women for living or starting any business. The amount of this loan is around 45000 which loan amount is available to every woman for 24 months.
Information about getting micro finance loan
- Your age should be minimum 20 years and maximum 60 years, if your age is 20-60 then you can join this portal.
- You can take a loan for a maximum period of 2 years only.
- Miflow L&T Microfinance is only for women, men cannot participate in it.
- In this portal, you can get the maximum loan amount up to 45 thousand.
- The interest amount of this loan is 1%.
- You do not need any kind of security to take a loan from this portal.
To know more about this portal visit this website https://www.ltfs.com.
इसे भी पढ़े – आधार कार्ड से लोन लेने के लिए कौन सा ऐप है?
Miflow Document Criteria
- Here you have to show your monthly income to take loan, here you can be asked for bank statement.
- In Documents, you may need Voter ID, Ration cards, Aadhar card, MGNREGA cards etc.
- Your age should be between 20 to 60.
Q : What is the full form of MERC?
Ans : “Micro Finance Collection Repository”
Q : What is the official website of Mi-Flow?
Ans : official website of Mi-Flow is “https://miflow.ltferp.com/mficollections/”.
Q : Who is the parent company of the Miflow portal?
Ans : L&T Finance Limited
Q : Can I sign up for new account on Mi-Flow?
Ans : No
Q : How to log in to the Miflow Portal?
Ans : You can login to the Miflow portal by visiting its official website.